Students bring a new life.
In September the results of the higher education applications are known. Being Coimbra considered the City of the Students and known for its academic traditions, it receives applications for many parts of the world, the most sought after Faculties are Universities-Letters, Law, Medical, Sciences and technology, Pharmacy, Economic, Psychologic and Physical Education and Sport Science. Future students from all over the country and beyond pack their bags and head to Coimbra. With them a lot of dreams and expectations arrive. They come here with their parents, whose biggest concern is the accommodation, looking forward to leave them well accommodated in a “Republic room” or in an apartment shared with some other students. It´s a hustle where you can see a mix of feelings like emotions, joy and fear. The parents emotions are high as their child leaves the nest and the “mother’s skirt”. But we can´t forget the weekend…during the school year it is usual to see many students, on Thursday or Friday, with their trolleys, rushing to take the bus or train, on their way home. In the beginning this is a routine, but after the exams begin it becomes harder to go home and leave Coimbra… or maybe the friends, parties, boyfriends and girlfriends are to blame, to the most honest. And in each September, Coimbra gets a new life, a new hope that comes from all over the country and many parts of the world.