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20th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra

“Oh the houses” is the theme.

“Oh, the houses” is the theme of the 20th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra that began on March 1st and runs through April 28th. The Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra, an initiative that emerged in 1999, aims to “better publicize outside the community the multiple types of activities developed in the UC while combining them with a diversified program in various cultural areas.” Conferences, debates, book presentations, cinema, theater, music, dance, exhibitions are some of the activities that mobilize the community, and many of the initiatives of the Cultural Week continue in time, some of which usually make tours inside and outside the city. Since 1999, every year, from March 1st – the day on which University Day is celebrated, the Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra offers a rich program that covers all types of public.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
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