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The Crúzio of Santa Cruz

A Sweet Coimbra Mark

It´s 7 o clock in the morning, in the Rua do Moreno, placed in the heart of Coimbra downtown. Dona Sílvia starts to prepare the delicious Cruzios, in the Café Santa Cruz. The ingredients are the traditional: flour, butter, egg cream and almond. But just like the majority of candies, the Cruzio has a secret and the only person who knows it´s Dona Sílvia. We only find out that is related with confection of the egg cream. Just around 11 o´clock, Dona Sílvia delivers, in the emblematic Café Santa Cruz, the Crúzios that will do the delights of the costumers in that day. Back in time, it was in 2012 that the Crúzios were presented based in an old recipe, used when Café Santa Cruz, was simultaneously coffee and restaurant. It´s a tribute to Café Santa Cruz, The Church of Santa Cruz and to the Monastery of Santa Cruz, where the older clericals were called Cruzios. More than a candy, the Crúzio pretends to remember us of our history and became a Coimbra brand. In March 2016, the Cruzio of Santa Cruz won the gold medal in the 5 National Competition of Portuguese Traditional Confectionery. Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the Santa Cruz and lose yourself in love with this intellectually valuable candy, Crúzio.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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