Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

Archive for the Nightlife Category

Casino Figueira da Foz

A space of entertainment – 45 minutes of Coimbra. Casino da Figueira da Foz has for many decades been one of the most emblematic entertainment and animation spaces in the country. This venue is the closest to Coimbra and sits by the ocean, only 45 minutes from

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The “Praça da República”

Mandatory stop in the city’s nightlife The “Praça da República“, or simply “a Praça” for the “conimbricences”, is the “heart” of Coimbra’s nightlife. With a privileged location, this square is nestled between the “Jardim da Sereia” and beatiful century-old building facades, a few minutes walking from Coimbra’s

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Fado of Coimbra

“Coimbra é uma lição, De sonho e tradição, O lente é uma canção, E a Lua a faculdade, O livro é uma mulher, Só passa quem souber, E aprende-se a dizer saudade…” Who does not know this “Canção” of Coimbra?! This and many other Fados which sing

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Fado Hilário

One space where you can experience Coimbra. Fado Hilário, the number 110 of Rua Joaquim António de Aguiar near the Old Cathedral of Coimbra (Sé Velha de Coimbra), is a cultural association that devotes its space to the promotion of the musical heritage of Coimbra, particularly its

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Salão Brazil

A cultural space in the heart of downtown city Salão Brazil is a cultural space and it is located in the heart of Downtown City, more precisely in Largo do Poço, number 3, 1st floor. In 2004, this space won a new dynamic by working as a

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Queima das Fitas Coimbra

The biggest university party in Portugal. If you visit Coimbra in the beginning of May, do not be alarmed by the madness that invades the city, is the “Queima das Fitas” (Burning of the Ribbons), the largest university party in the country that is already a mark

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Terraço da Alta

Food & Drink Lounge This month we suggest you a brand new restaurant and bar, named ” Terraço da Alta food & drink lounge”. Open since November 2015, the “Terraço da Alta” is located at Couraça dos Apóstolos, with a previliged view of the city. A space of

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Festa das Latas de Coimbra

Respecting Coimbra’s tradition, the ‘Festa das Latas e Insígnias de Coimbra’ – better known as Latada – is back in October. The event’s history is intimately connected with the history of the University and the city itself. The roots of this celebration, which aims to welcome and

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
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