Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

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COL.ECO, a sustainable project to promote social and labor inclusion

The number 33 at  Adelino Veiga Street, in downtown Coimbra, now is the space of the COL.ECO project – Collaboration in the Local Organization of the Eco-Sustainable Economy of the Municipality of Coimbra. Initiative by APBC – Agency for the Promotion of Coimbra Dowtnown and with the

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Doppo, a ice cream shop in “Praça do Comércio”

After several trips and training in Italy with the Italian specialist Giacomo Schiavon, Fernando Castelo Branco swapped Engineering and University Teaching for the world of ice cream and Coimbra is definitely winning. In the beautiful “Praça do Comércio”, in downtown Coimbra, the Doppo ice cream shop recently opened. It

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Calendar ir Coimbra – June 2022

1st June | 6:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent Kids Concert 4th June | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent II Coimbra Choirs Contest 5th June | 4:00 PM | Salão Brazil Grupo do Beco presents a tribute to Jorge Aragão. 12th June | 10:00 AM |

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Take a ride on “Barca Serrana” on the Mondego River

The “Barca Serrana” was, in the 19th century and part of the XX century, the most efficient way to transport passengers and goods between Penacova and Coimbra or, if necessary, Figueira da Foz, on the Atlantic coast. A large part of the population of Penacova worked on

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Docas Coimbra: the perfect plan for a summer day

The hot summer days arrive and with them the desire to be outdoors in cool and lively places. This is how, after a few years closed for requalification and expansion works, the “Parque Verde do Mondego” and the “Docas Coimbra” are once again one of the favorite

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Calender in Coimbra – May 2022

7th May | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent “Pensão Flor” Concert 8th May | 5:30 PM | Salão Brazil Linda Martini Concert 20th May | 10:30 AM | Saint Francis Convent Play: Yolo – Sara Inês Gigante 21th May | 10 AM | Saint Francis Convent

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Izakaya Oni – a japenese tavern in Coimbra

You really have to try the best ramen in Coimbra.  Izakaya Oni is a japanese tavern, located at number 9 pedro rocha street, to which Coimbra fell in love with. Japanese culture is well represented in figures such as the Oni, a “playful demon” armed with sake

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The day by day in Portuguese at the Trouxa Mocha store

Portuguese, genuine and quality products. “The day by day in Portuguese”, the phrase that can very well define the Trouxa Mocha store. After several years at Quebra Costas stairs, it now features in Rua Ferreira Borges, in downtown Coimbra. It offers a variety of items that are

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Calender in Coimbra – April 2022

1st to 26th April | Saint Francis Convent Dance Festival. 10th April | 10 AM | Saint Francis Convent Concert for babies. 23th April | Praça do Comércio Antiques Fair. 25th and 26th April | Saint Francis Convent April 25th stories. 28th April | 10 PM |

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Rebolim River Beach – a paradise hidden in Coimbra

Rebolim river beach is a “small paradise” hidden in Coimbra. Situated on the right bank of the Mondego River, between the University’s “Polo II” campus and the residential area of Portela, it benefits from a secluded privileged location. It is accessible by bicycle, car or public transport.

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