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Heal and Repair – anozero’17

The theme of biennial contemporary art of Coimbra. “Anozero – Biennial contemporary art innitiative of Coimbra” , promoted by the “Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra” in partnership with the Municipaity and the University of Coimbra, runs until December 30, 2017. This is an initiative that aims to

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The Restaurant Varanda do Casal

A wonderful discovery in the Casal de São Simão “Varanda do Casal” Restaurant is one of the wonders of the small “Casal de São Simão” Shale Village, 25 minutes from Coimbra. A modern space that offers traditional flavors, “where you want to be and you want to return”.

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Shale Villages, one of Portugal’s best kept secrets

As Shale Villages are divided over four areas: “Serra da Lousã”, “Serra do Açor”, “Zezere” and “Tejo-Ocreza”. Today we focus on four of the twelve Shale Villages of “Serra da Lousã” for the privileged location for access from Coimbra. From the Hotel Oslo, you can reach the

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Hot and Good are the Chestnuts

With autumn arrived the appreciated nuts. The smell overruns the streets of downtown, their time has come, they are good roasted and hot … we are speaking, of course, about Chestnuts! No one resists the nut that symbolizes autumn. Chestnut has an ancient tradition in Portuguese gastronomy

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Visit the “Torre de Almedina”

… and make a trip to the middle ages. From the eleventh century, the “Torre de Almedina” built on the “Arco de Almedina“, had as function to watch and defend the main access door to the interior of the city wall. Due to its strategic importance, it was one of

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Interactive Science Center

A space to explore and that appeals to the five senses. With more than two decades of existence, the “Exploratório – Interactive Science Center” was the first of its kind in Portugal, assuming itself as an entity to promote scientific culture. Several insightful and interactive experiences are

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Sweet News in Downtown

The sweetest portuguese sweets in the shop windows of the “A mais gulosa” “Há alguém mais gulosa do que eu?” (Is there anyone with a sweeter tooth than me?) is the name of the latest pastry shop in downtown Coimbra. A pastry with a different concept. Mafalda Agante, the owner of the space, started by creating a blog

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Pedrosa Store’s in “Baixa de Coimbra”

Open to the public for more than 60 years. It was in 1955 that Mr. Pedrosa opened his first shop in Downtown, in “Largo do Poço” (number 10), at the time a store focused solely on selling shirts (“camisaria”). “Keeping pace with times”, this Store became a

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Uncover the Grand Seminary of Coimbra

One construction with over 250 years. It is next to the “Jardim Botânico” that you find a newly uncovered “treasure” of Coimbra, with over 250 years, it recently opened to the public. We are talking about the “Seminário Maior”, an eighteenth-century Italian art building, built as a grand

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Coimbra Botanical Garden’s Woods

A new bus line that connects the most beautiful places of Coimbra. There is a new bus line that connects “Alta da Cidade” to “Santa Clara”, passing through the Botanical Garden’s woods, these woods have been closed to the public during the last few decades. This new

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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