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Yearly Carnival of Coimbra

This month we suggest a visit to the famous and traditional Carnival of Coimbra, held between the 3rd and July 19th at the praça da Canção. Besides the animation guaranteed by carousels, street vendors and typical food stalls, this year the fair also features several concerts and

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Coimbra – UNESCO World Heritage

Coimbra Unesco World Heritage - 22nd June 2013

“Universidade de Coimbra – Alta e Sofia” application was discussed in the 37th meeting of the World Heritage Committee, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. On the 22nd of June of 2013, the inclusion in the World Heritage list was unanimously approved by the international representatives. Today 2 years

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Coimbra: The king’s capital

The birth of the Portuguese nation is far from ordinary. It hides a rich and unusual story, full of interesting details. However, there is a “detail” that deserves our undivided attention more than all others and its name is D. Afonso Henriques. D. Afonso Henriques was the

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Santa Cruz Church: National Pantheon

The Monastery of Santa Cruz, located in the historical center of Coimbra was foundedin 1131 by the ‘Ordem dos CónegosRegrantes de Santo Agostinho’. The Church of Santa Cruz, part of the complex, is one of the best examples of 12th century Romanesque architecture in Portugal. The church

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Santa Cruz tour

Our monthly suggestion is a tour of the Church of Santa Cruz, the National Pantheon located in the historical center of Coimbra. The City Hall organizes fortnightly visits to the National Monument, where you can find the tombs of the first two kings of Portugal, in an

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Happy 725º birthday, University of Coimbra!

Hotel Oslo is joining the University of Coimbra to celebrate a very important occasion to the city: the 725º anniversary of its university. The celebration, which began on March 1st, runs until December 4th and the program couldn’t be any more eclectic. The program, which celebrates the

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University of Coimbra

The early history of the institution that would become the University of Coimbra dates back to 1290, when King D. Dinis signed the famous Scientiae Thesaurus Mirabilis. The document, later recognized by the Pope Nicholas IV, originated the General Study a century after the birth of the

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May: Local tip

This month we suggest a visit to the Praça da Canção between 8th and 15th May, where you can attend the Queima das Fitas (Burning of the Ribbons), the biggest student party in the country. The square, located in the left bank of the river Mondego, welcomes

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Find out why April is a sweet month in Coimbra

April is a sweet month in Coimbra! Not only because we‘re celebrating Easter and eating the typical Easter cakes and almonds, but also because the city is once again hosting the event “O Património Doceiro de Coimbra” (The Sweet Heritage of Coimbra). The event was created in

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Places with History: Café Santa Cruz

One of the cafés involved in the initiative “Os Caminhos da Baixa – O Património Doceiro de Coimbra” is the famous Café Santa Cruz, located in the historical center of Coimbra, right next to the beautiful Church of Santa Cruz. No wonder, therefore, that this old café

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
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