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Kaju Brunch Restaurant with vegan alternatives and asian dishes

The young couple Juliana Rodrigues and Tiago Carvalho, both from Coimbra, had the “audacity” of openning, in 2019, a space with a totally different and innovative concept in Coimbra: “O Croissant – brunch restaurant”. Located on the beautiful “Praça 8 de Maio” and featuring a privileged view

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Calendar – July 2023

Until 8th July | Jardim da Sereia Coimbra Yearly Celebrations: Several events and venues. 6th July | 10 PM | Salão Brazil Gonden Slumbers present “I Love You, Crystal”.  9th July | 10 AM and 11:30 AM | Convento São Francisco Concerts for babies.  15th July to

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Boutique Tapas & Petiscos

Boutique – Tapas & Petiscos has enriched even more the mythical “Rua de Fernando Tomás”, next to “Quebra Costas”. A small and familiar space, with 15 seats inside and some outside, which invites us to share delicious snacks – and other delicious options – while we linger

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Casa do Cinema de Coimbra

About two years ago, in May 2021, “Casa do Cinema de Coimbra” reopened the doors of what was for many years one of the main cinemas in the country: we are talking about Estudio 2, located on the ground floor of “Galerias Avenida”, which had been “forgotten”

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Calendar – June 2023

1st June | 10 PM | Salão Brazil Rui Reininho Concert.  11th June | 10 AM and 11:30 AM | Saint Francis Convent Concert for babies. 17th June | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent Maro’s concert.  18th June | 6 PM | Saint Francis Convent Play:

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The exhibition “Não Sofra Mais” by Ragnar Kjartansson

“Não Sofra Mais” (Do not suffer more) is the title of the exhibition created by the Icelandic artist Ragnar Kjartansson that can be seen, until the 16th of July, at the Monastery of “Santa Clara-a-Nova”. Ragnar, after having passed through several stages of contemporary art, exhibits for

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Recover the tradition: The Weddings of Queen Santa Isabel are back

About 40 years later, Coimbra recovers one of its most beautiful traditions: the Weddings of Queen Santa Isabel, Patroness of the City of Coimbra, returns to the city! The last Weddings of the Queen were celebrated in the early 1980s. Going back to the 1970s, Weddings were

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Calendar – May 2023

6th May | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent “Jorge Palma” concert. 12th May | 10 PM | Teatrão “Múria” Concert.  13th May | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent “O Misantropo”, play. 13th May | 10 AM and 11:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent Concert for

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Exhibition “ÉFE-ÉRRE-Á – Moments of University Life”

Here “the visitor is challenged to revive his memories or, if he doesn’t have them, to better understand who has”. We are talking about the new space “Éfe-Érre-Á – Moments of University Life”, located on the ground floor of “Colégio de Jesus” (part of the UC Science

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Devaneio Bistro & Wine Bar

Devaneio Bistro & Wine Bar presents itself as a space that invites customers to the discovery and sharing of the best wines and products of our gastronomy. Located on “Rua Adro de Baixo“, a few steps from the São Bartolomeu Church, in downtown Coimbra, Devaneio arises from

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