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Calendar – April 2023

5th and 6th April | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent “Xutos e Pontapés” Concert. 5th April | 9:30 PM | Celas Monastery Easter Concerts. 15th and 16th April | 9:30 PM | Saint Francis Convent Pedro Abrunhosa Concert. 21st April | 9:45 PM | Salão Brazil

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“Buracas do Casmilo” – a gift from nature

The “Serra do Sicó”, located a 30 minutes from Coimbra, hides one of the most stunning and incredible natural treasures in the country: the “Vale das Buracas do Casmilo”. What we know today as “Buracas do Casmilo” are rocky shelters in the Covões Valley, in the small

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Riverwalk of Aeminium – New in Coimbra

Coimbra is changing. The construction work and renovations that are taking place have created new dynamic in the city and have enhanced not only the riverside area but also the downtown area and its traditional/local trade. The recent “Passeio Ribeirinho de Aeminium” (Riverwalk of Aeminium), on the

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Calendar – March 2023

3rd March | 7 P.M. |Convento São Francisco Rui Veloso Concert.  [divder] 12th March | 10 P.M. | Convento São Francisco Concert for Babies.  19th March | 4 P.M. | Conservatório de Coimbra Musical “The Three Pigs!”. 25th March | 4 P.M. | Convento São Francisco Play

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Pátio da Inquisição – a place full of history and culture

Located near “Rua da Sofia”, the “Pátio da Inquisição” reveals, in its name, part of its history. But going back in time and starting from the beginning…it was there that in 1548, on the initiative of D. João III, the “Real Colégio das Artes e Humanidades” (Royal

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“Visual Art Center ” (CAV) – a place dedicated to contemporary art in Portugal

The “Visual Art Center” (CAV), located in the former “Colégio das Artes” in “Pátio da Inquisição” (Inquisition Courtyard), is a pioneering institution in the visual arts in Portugal. Founded in 1993, CAV is a space dedicated to the exhibition, production and reflection on contemporary art and artistic

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Calendar – February 2023

3rd February | 9:30 P.M. | Saint Francis Convent Fernando Daniel Concert. 10th February | 9:30 P.M. | Saint Francis Convent Dino D’ Santiago Concert. 11th February | 9:30 P.M. | TAGV “Mão Morta” Concert 12th February | 4 P.M. | Saint Francis Convent Kids Play: “A

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MA – the japanese restaurant in Coimbra that will conquer the country

It hadn’t opened doors yet and there was already a waiting list. We are talking about MA Restaurant, the new Japanese restaurant in Coimbra that promises and has everything to be one of the best Japanese in the country. The space, the number 13 on “Rua do

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Italianino – an italian house in one of the most beautiful areas of Coimbra

Felice Jeva, originally from Italy but “in love” with the world, has had businesses in different countries. In 2017, because of his passion for surfing, he came on vacation to Portugal. But “life had other plans for him” and, enchanted by the country, he decided to “sell

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The Graduate Uniform – Centuries of History and Tradition

The “Traje Académico” (Graduate uniform), also known as “Capa and Batina“, stands for characteristics of academic life such as gathering, equality, respect and unity. “But what is its origin?” It was in the XVII century that the Academic Costume emerged and the influence of the Church in

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Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
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