Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

Coimbra Botanical Garden’s Woods

A new bus line that connects the most beautiful places of Coimbra.

There is a new bus line that connects “Alta da Cidade” to “Santa Clara”, passing through the Botanical Garden’s woods, these woods have been closed to the public during the last few decades. This new line, served by two convertible hybrid mini-buses, allows visitors to enjoy a beautiful ride through the city, passing by some of the most beautiful areas of Coimbra. Santa Clara Bridge, city parks, Botanical Garden, University, “Couraça de Lisboa” and the downtown are some of the points that are part of the route. The vehicles are also equipped with sound systems with the emission of information in different languages. This is a way to get to know the city from another perspective. Buses will run frequently at peak times of 20 minutes and the remaining period of 40 minutes. Summer time will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays and holidays start at 10:00 a.m. Point of beginning and of end: “Rossio de Santa Clara”.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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