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Coimbra Ceramics Factory – Living Museum

The rebirth of a heritage industry.

For centuries, the name of Coimbra reached many corners of the world thanks to its strong connection to the art of pottery. The first artists of the city appeared in the 16th century. Later, next to the banks of the Mondego River, the first ceramic factories were established, while the raw material was extracted in localities outside the city.

In 1886, there were already eleven ceramic factories in the city, showcasing numerous techniques and styles.

In the 20th century Coimbra’s ceramics were industrialized on a large scale, but at the end of the same century the production began to decline and the factories closed. Only small artisans remained. This age is still alive in the memory of the city and even in the names of its streets: “Rua dos Oleiros”, “Rua da Louça” and “Largo das Olarias”.

In 2018 this industry is reborn through the reopening of “Sociedade de Cerâmica Antiga de Coimbra”: an award winning architectural project that offers continuity to its centuries-old installations, merging a boutique factory unit that blends the past with the future, a pottery shop featuring classical and innovative designs and an alluring restaurant.

This enterprise constitutes a unique living museum, while showing the path to the future of this traditional art.

Sociedade de Cerâmica Antiga de Coimbra
Quintal do Prior, n.º 2-4
Terreiro da Erva
Coimbra, Portugal

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Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
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