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Coimbra – UNESCO World Heritage

We proudly celebrate the inscription of Coimbra and the University of Coimbra into the restrict group of UNESCO World Heritage in Portugal.

This has been a work of all. Contratulations Coimbra!

University of Coimbra is now Heritage of Humanity
The University of Coimbra and the historical center of our beautiful city are already part of the restrict group of Portuguese wonders considered World Heritage by UNESCO. This way, Coimbra joins other places like Évora or Porto, for instance. The distinction of the historical areas of the University of Coimbra and Sofia, where the ancient colleges of the institution remain, was decided at the UNESCO meeting held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
This university, founded in 1290, is one of the oldest in the world and also the oldest of the country and, now, it’s finally considered World Heritage, an awaited and much-deserved consecration. With this honor, this historic area of the city becomes even more popular as the perfect destination for foreign and Portuguese tourists.
During the meeting, the UNESCO Committee stressed that, more important than the architectural value of the institution and historical area, is the university and city’s dedication to the Portuguese culture and language. Also, this way, Portugal will have to follow all the recommendations of the Committee in order to preserve the heritage.
Given the importance of the distinction and the positive impact that it will have, the dean of the University of Coimbra issued a statement. According to João Gabriel Silva, “more than the recognition of the value of the architectural complex university of Coimbra, this decision made by UNESCO emphasizes the universal value of the Portuguese culture and language and recognizes the central role that Portugal had in shaping the world, like we know it today”.
Who also spoke about the confirmation of Coimbra as a part of UNESCO’s list was the Foreign Affairs Minister, Paulo Portas. As stated by the politician, this distinction will greatly benefit “the economy, tourism, knowledge and cosmopolitanism” of the city. “It’s a great day for Portugal and Coimbra. The meritorious application for world heritage passed with brilliance”, he added.
If you didn’t have enough reasons to visit the historical University of Coimbra and our amazing city, now there are no excuses. To celebrate the good news, Coimbra will host a party this Sunday, April 23, starting at 4 pm. The celebration takes place at Praça do Comércio, near the area of Sofia, also honored as World Heritage.

Official University of Coimbra website for UNESCO Heritage
Official UNESCO Coimbra Heritage Page

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Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
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