Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

COL.ECO, a sustainable project to promote social and labor inclusion

The number 33 at  Adelino Veiga Street, in downtown Coimbra, now is the space of the COL.ECO project – Collaboration in the Local Organization of the Eco-Sustainable Economy of the Municipality of Coimbra.

Initiative by APBC – Agency for the Promotion of Coimbra Dowtnown and with the support of the Municipality of Coimbra, this collaborative space receives and supports small entrepreneurs (from the most diverse areas) and unemployed people with business ideas, taking into account ecological and environmental sustainability issues, who want to invest in local commerce. The COL.ECO project thus promotes social and labor inclusion, with the support of a multidisciplinary team and through the creation of synergies and collaboration between companies, ideas and participants.

In the building there is a collaborative store, a space for incubating ideas and businesses and a training space for unemployed applicants.

This initiative also intends to make the historic center more dynamic, attract people to Baixa and think of ways and ideas to foster a better future for the traditional “baixa” in a sustainable way and taking into account environmental and ethical issues. At the same time, respond to several business gaps that have worsened in recent years.

New times and new dynamics are expected in downtown Coimbra, created by people willing to make their dreams and projects come true in the historic center of the city!

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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