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Culture and fun come together in Coimbra

Although October is usually a month dedicated to the new students that are just now arriving at the University of Coimbra and all the related traditions, this month we decided to dedicate our report to an excellent initiative that intends to promote the cultural heritage that make Portugal and the country’s central region so special and unique. However, it doesn’t mean we forgot about our freshmen. We will also be talking about Coimbra’s Latada, one of the largest student festivals in the country happening this month. Take a look at our Local Tip to find out more!

Locals and tourists get together to celebrate the country and the city’s heritage.

If you already know Coimbra, you know that this is a city that values its traditions and history. If you’re still learning more or you’re planning your visit to the city, you’ll realize the collective respect for history that is part of Coimbra’s essence.

In addition to all the possibilities that Coimbra already offers to its visitors – such as the city’s historical area that was recently declared World Heritage Site by UNES CO or the newly created route that runs through the Botanical Gardens –, this month the city is also hosting the Heritage Fair (Feira do Património).

The event consists of three days packed with cultural activities such as traditional concerts or new documentaries about the national and regional culture. The fair’s program – taking place at the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha on the 9th, 10th and 11th October – also has permanent exhibitions like “The Tailor Master and Alchemist” by Cristina Rodrigues, held at iconic places like the Quinta das Lágrimas.

The program highlights are the traditional concerts by names like the Group of Concertinas Sounds of Casconha on the 9th (5pm) or the Gaiteiros of Coimbra on the 10th (7pm), both happening in the tent located near the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha. A different event that should attract the attention of locals and tourists is the video mapping show “Lights Painting – Cultural Heritage”, which will take place during the first two days of the event (9 – 19:30, 22:30, 10 – 19.30, 22.30) at the monastery.

The Heritage Fair ends on the 11th October, at 6.30pm, with a fado show in the tent next to the monastery. Entries to the concerts and the videomapping sessions are free: get your ticketsat the fair’s information desk, near the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, from 3pm for the events on the same day. You can find out more at

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Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
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