Respecting Coimbra’s tradition, the ‘Festa das Latas e Insígnias de Coimbra’ – better known as Latada – is back in October. The event’s history is intimately connected with the history of the University and the city itself.
The roots of this celebration, which aims to welcome and integrate the newly arrived students, go back to the 19th century, when the Latada was held in May to celebrate the end of the school year. Everything changed in the 20th century. With the creation of the Queima das Fitas, the event that now celebrates the end of the year, the Latada gained a new life.
Therefore, don’t be surprised when you see thousands of students parading through Coimbra during a week in October. Maybe the youngsters are on their way to the Praça da Canção, where they can watch concerts and have fun, or perhaps they are enjoying the Latada parade. One thing is for sure: there will be lots of joy and smiles!