Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

Mata Nacional do Choupal

Where there is fresh air, peace and serenity

The “Mata Nacional do Choupal”, one of the most beautiful and appreciated natural green spaces in the city, appeared from the need to minimize the damage caused by the floods of the Mondego River. Today, entire families go to this green space to do various activities. It is common to find people doing sports, walking the dogs, cycling with kids and having picnics. With an area of 79 hectares, beside the Mondego River over 2km, there are several plant species planted there: “platano”, “choupo”, “eucalipto”, “nogueira-preta”, among others. In Choupal you can breathe fresh air, peace and serenity. “Coimbra do Choupal, ainda és Capital, do Amor em Portugal, Ainda (…)”, immortalized in poems and in Coimbra Song, the Choupal invites you to enjoy the peace and tranquility that offers its visitors, while listening the soft singing of the birds.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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