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Queen Santa Isabel’s festivities

This year, the city’s patron will walk through Coimbra.

In July, you’ll be able to witness the grand celebrations of the city in honor of its patron, Queen Santa Isabel. Every two years the inhabitants of Coimbra stop to see their queen, a tradition that you can get to know in this month’s review.

The Miracle of the Roses

Despite all the activities that fill the festival, the highlight of the event remains the processions that normally take thousands of people to the streets to see the image of their queen.

On the evening of July 10th, Queen Santa Isabel travels around town in procession of penance, illuminated by thousands of candles. The image of the saint travels the main streets of town, down the path between the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Nova and the Santa Cruz Monastery.

Halfway, on crossing the Santa Clara Bridge over the river Mondego, the queen is honored with fireworks. A few days later, on July 13, the image of the Queen travels the reverse path on the arms of twenty-four men to return to the Convent of Santa Clara-a-Nova.

The streets are once again filled and the crowd can watch hundreds of children and adults dressed in suits similar to those of angels and saints. Despite the variety, the girls mimicking the queen attract all the attention of those present.

It is this event, the solemn procession, which concludes the festivities of the city that still rely on concerts, sports competitions, theater and historical recreations.
At the end of the party, Coimbra inhabitants and the visitors return home and wait another two years until they can see their patron saint in the biggest party and also the highest tradition of the city.

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Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
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