The biggest university party in Portugal.
If you visit Coimbra in the beginning of May, do not be alarmed by the madness that invades the city, is the “Queima das Fitas” (Burning of the Ribbons), the largest university party in the country that is already a mark of the city.
Every year in May, Coimbra is all black and white. The students black capes sweep the city streets. The Queima das Fitas has just arrived, the students party of University of Coimbra.
The first known act of the parties linked to the Burning of the Ribbons, dates from approximately 1901 and already with a properly structured program. It was the students of the fourth legal year who in late May organized a procession of about 20 floats.
We live with enthusiasm and joy various traditions and rituals. For many it is also the time to say goodbye to student life.
Coimbra is filled with students, youth, contagious joy and traditions that we find nowhere else in the world.
You will surely find happy and cheerful students, probably singing academic songs or prattling with their friends. The class dinners are very common and they always end in the main event “Noites do Parque”, (Park Nights), on the Mondego river bank where you can watch the numerous concerts during this academic week.
We must not forget two of the most beautiful points of the party, the Serenata Monumental (Monumental Serenade ), which is in charge of the Fado Section of the Academic Association of Coimbra and marks the beginning of the Queima das Fitas (Burning of the Ribbons), and the Academic Procession where Coimbra is invaded by floats belonging to the several courses from the University of Coimbra that run through the city streets.
Precisely by the tapping from 12 am on Thursday of the week of Queima das Fitas, you can watch at Largo da Sé Velha the monumental Serenade and enjoy the Song of Coimbra.
The Queima das Fitas (Burning of the Ribbons) for the class finalists is the last passage of the coimbra student experience. For freshmen is emancipation, for Veterans is perhaps the end of the walk…
Welcome to the biggest university party in our country and let the color and joy of the city take over you.
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