Carlos Tomás, Craftsman from Coimbra and now 70 years old, was only 11 years old when he went to work for the old pottery factory “Antiga Cerâmica de Conimbriga”, in 1965. Until the beginning of the 80s, he worked at many other factories, where he took on the role of “supervisor”. In 1984, he decided to establish himself on his own and opened a ceramics factory, in “São Martinho do Bispo”, in Coimbra. Later, and maintaining the factory, Carlos opened a store at number 4 in Largo da Sé Velha, where he displays and sells thousands of pieces of artistic ceramics, with the main focus on Coimbra Ceramics or the so-called “Ratinhos” dishes.
The “ratinha” crockery (“the real Coimbra crockery”) appeared in the 19th century, and was produced in the Beiras region, by poor families who went to work for the owners of large fields, in Ribatejo and Alentejo. It was there that they exchanged the popular earthenware, which they took with them, for warm clothing. And that’s why this ceramic, already considered the most beautiful in the world, is popularly known as “troca trapos” (rag barter).
At number 4 of Largo da Sé Velha, your eyes are lost among the plates, bowls, lamps, among many other pieces, decorated with fish, birds, plant elements, farmers, musicians, fishermen and shepherds, among other motifs, painted meticulously by hand. And it’s very likely that, when you visit the store, you will find Carlos painting “ratinha” crockery, “live and in color”. Its beautiful pieces decorate and bring life to several walls of the Hotel Oslo too. Coimbra once had dozens of potteries spread across downtown. Today, Mr. Carlos and his three employees may be the only ones to preserve an activity that has been part of Coimbra’s history for centuries.
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 19:00.