Just one hour drive from Coimbra you’ll fund the Sanctuary of Fátima in “Cova da Iria – Fátima”, a place of Christian pilgrimage and Catholic devotion known as one of the largest international destination for religious tourism.
Going back in time, it was there, in 1917, that a religious event took place: the successive apparitions of “Nossa Senhora de Fátima” to the Three “Pastorinhos” (young shepperd): Jacinta, Francisco and Lúcia. It was this event that led to the foundation of the Sanctuary of Fátima at that same location.
Over the years, the Sanctuary has expanded and today it is composed of: “Capelinha das Aparições”, the “Basilica of Nossa Senhora do Rosário”, the Prayer Area, the “Basilica of the Santíssima Trindade”, the retreat houses of “Nossa Senhora do Carmo” and of “Nossa Senhora das Dores”, the “Via Sacra” and The “Centro Pastoral Paulo VI” ( Paul VI Pastoral Center). It also has other infrastructures such as: pilgrims welcome area, medical care, commerce and administrative services.
Every month, especially on the 12th and 13th, thousands of pilgrims moved by faith head to the Sanctuary of Fátima, many walking tens or hundreds of kilometers, from many parts of Portugal and the world. There are four signposted paths to facilitate the foot pilgrimage routes along the country.
One of the most beautiful moments in the history of the Sanctuary takes place on the night of May 12th: the “Procissão das Velas” (Candles Procession). Thousands of candles and worshipers fill the grandiose lit square of the Sanctuary. The Light is closely associated with the message of Fatima. On the following day, May 13th, the exciting “Procissão do Adeus” takes place, where “Nossa Senhora” is transported on a float.
Whether a believer or not, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the grandeur of the Sanctuary and the Peace and Tranquility that is felt there.