Your Hotel in Coimbra downtown

The Camponeza

Centennial wine cellar in Downtown

You can find the most recent wine cellar (Garrafeira) of Coimbra, the Camponeza, in the famous “Largo do Poço”, located in the heart of the “Baixa de Coimbra”. Going back in time, this Largo owes its name to the fact that there was a well in place which water was used to give to the animals that, at the time, served as a means of transportion. The space that has now become the Camponeza,  used to be atraditional grocery store since 1912.  It reopened as a Garrafeira in December of 2016, keeping its original traits. Assunção Ataíde and Paulo Bela, the owners of the space, intend to offer quality products not only in the area of ​​drinks but also in food. They intend to combine traditional products with the innovation of contemporary flavours, to invite the public to wine tastings and to discover selected products, opening way tomoments of pleasant gastronomic conviviality both to “conimbricenses” and tourists who enjoy experiencing the traditions of Coimbra and the country.

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Hotel Oslo – Coimbra

Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 25
3000-175 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel. +351 239 829 071
(national landline call)
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