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Coimbra News

Coimbra News, Events and Happenings

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After all, getting to know any given place from the perspective of an insider is one of the wonders of traveling, we encourage you to take the time to get to know Coimbra, Portugal.

The Museum Load Zx Spectrum, a tribute to technological evolution

It seems to us a distant reality that where people lived without computers and cell phones, perhaps because of the way these technologies evolved so quickly, in such a short time, and the importance they assume in our personal and professional lives. The Load Zx Spectrum Museum,

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Cantanhede and Bairrada Wine

The majority of the Cantanhede council is part of what is known as the Bairrada Region (located between the urban centers of Águeda and Coimbra, along a 40km, north-south route) famous for its wine production and for the delicious “Leitão Assado à Bairrada” (roasted suckling pig). Wine

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Calendar in Coimbra – November 2022

5th to 19th November | several places 28th Film Festival  13th November | 10 A.M. | Convento São Francisco Concert for babies 19th November | 4 P.M. | Conservatório de Coimbra “Pinóquio” – the musical 24th November | 9:30 P.M. | Convento São Francisco Teresa Salgueiro Concert. 

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Milvoz – Association for the Protection and Conservation of Nature

“Milvoz”, created in 2019, is an Association for the Protection and Conservation of Nature founded by a group of citizens who want to give voice, represent and preserve the natural heritage of the Coimbra region. In addition to having the objective of enhancing and protecting areas with

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Great Greenhouse and Cold Greenhouse in the Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra, part of the local UNESCO World Heritage, is a natural treasure in the center of the city. The space was created in the 18th century, within the scope of the Pombaline reform, at a time when medicine and botany

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Calendar in Coimbra – October 2022

1st October | 9:30 P.M. | Salão Brazil Jote.pê Concert 5th October | 7 P.M. | Saint Francis Convent Fado Concert Luiz Goes  8th October | 9:30 P.M. | TAGV Tiago Iorc Concert 22th October | Praça do Comércio Antiques Fair 26th October | 9:30 P.M. |

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BREW! Coimbra – a festival of culture and new brewing trends

Let’s start at the beginning… João Claro, a young computer engineer, was having fun at a Craft Beer Festival when he had the idea of organizing the same in Coimbra, a city with a rich beer heritage. This is how the first edition of Brew! Coimbra happened

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Topázio and Onyx – Beer’s of Coimbra

The rich beer heritage of the city of Coimbra is undeniable. In 1924 the “Companhia de Cervejas de Coimbra” was created and its small factory in the downtown area. In the 1950s the Factory moved to the industrial area of the city because larger facilities were needed.

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Calendar in Coimbra – September 2022

2nd to 4th September | Casa das Artes Bissaya Barreto Festival Les Siestes 7th September | 9:30 P.M. | TAGV Play: “A Invenção do Nordeste” 8th September | 7:00 P.M. | Convento São Francisco Play: “Eu sou Clarice, Rita Calçada” 10th September | 9:30 P.M. | Convento

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Palace “Sub-Ripas” – an exemple of the civil construction of the XVI Century

The Palace of Sub-Ripas, which includes the “Upper House” or “Casa do Arco” and the “Lower House” or “Casa da Torre”, was a former defensive tower on the city wall of Coimbra (Torre da Contenda). The tower was adapted to a residency in the century XVI and

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